Hair-Raisers and Nail-Biters Win Big in Contest

Published in the Paris Intelligencer

“Gene would be so proud.”

Those words, spoken by Christina Gulish about her late husband, Dr. Eugene Gulish, sum up this year’s writing competition sponsored by the Paris-Henry County Arts Council.

“Gene loved to write, and he would have been thrilled to know the contest was named for him,” said Gulish. “He was a big supporter of the arts and the Arts Council. It’s a great honor.”

This year’s theme was mystery and suspense with 16 writers submitting 23 original works. 

“The writing was excellent and narrowing down the winners was difficult,” said Karen Geary, contest chairperson. “Some stories were hair-raisers, others were nail-biters, and some were downright spooky. But all were great.”

“I was impressed and inspired as I read through the entries. We obviously have some very talented writers, and I was so pleased they chose to share their efforts with the Arts Council for this contest,” said Gail Fowler, board member. “It reinforces our commitment to contribute and enhance the fine arts in our community and beyond.”

2023 Winning Entries

“Child’s Play” by Susan White of Buchanan was selected for the Judges’ Choice Award. The story is a tight murder mystery with an eerie conclusion. White is a repeat winner, receiving second and third-place honors in previous competitions. 

”Child’s Play" was my top pick because the author did an excellent job at quickly creating the scene for the mystery and making the reader want to read more, to know what happens next,” stated judge Lindsay Pride, editor of the Crossville Herald-Citizen newspaper

Judging along with Pride was Ashley Horn, marketing coordinator for L.I. Smith.

This year’s winners are as followed:

  • First Place: “St. Christopher and the Timekeeper” by Ted Scott, Paris

  • Second Place: “Forgetting and Forgiving” by Linda Massa, Buchanan

  • Third Place: “The Surge Street Nightmare” by Amber Mathis, Puryear

  • Out-Of-Town Entrants:

    • First Place: “Cookie Consumption Conundrum” by Victoria Pierpoint, Big Sandy, TN

    • Second Place: “The Gavel” by Bonnie Lill, Tennessee Ridge, TN

    • Third Place: “The Awful Alibi”, Cheryl Caylor, Dyersburg, TN.

  • Youth:

    • First Place: “And It Was Unfair” by Allison Williams, Henry

    • Second Place: “Love and Its Consequences: A Study in Red” by Arlen Gray, Paris.

Winners were awarded a cash prize and a certificate.


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