Photo Showcase winners listed; help choose People’s Choice
From left, Michael Grace, Dianne Carlisle and Joyce Grace talk about some of the entries in the annual Community Photo Showcase sponsored by the Paris-Henry County Arts Council. They were among those attending Sunday’s awards ceremony for the showcase.
Winners in many different categories were announced during an opening reception for this year’s Community Photo Showcase Sunday at Rhea Public Library.
The reception marked the opening of the display period for all entries in the showcase. Those photos will remain on display through March 19 at the library.
Dr. Danny and Martha Jo Kimberlin are the sponsors of the annual showcase. Kimberlin, an avid photographer, began sponsoring the showcase more than two decades ago.
Something has been added to the showcase this year, thanks to the Paris Photography Club.
A People’s Choice award will be given for the first time. A box has been set up at the library, and those who view the display can vote for their favorite photo from now through May 15.
The Best of Show winner was Joey Cascarano for his work titled “Don’t Croak.” That photo shows a frog that Cascarano saw in an aquarium while on a trip. Cascarano, originally from San Jose, Calif., is attending school in this area.
Winners announced Sunday were (listed with category):
• Action — Michael Grace, “Berkeneier,” first place; Kevin Buie, “Flying High,” second; Michael Grace, “Victory,” third.
• Altered Images — Karen Geary, “Burning Bright in the Night,” first; Laura Sherrod, “Still Life with Oysters and Manet Print,” second; Sharon Kilzer, “The Bridge,” third.
• Architectural — John Hobbs, “Baseball Bat Museum,” first; Judith Putnam, “Sydney Opera House,” second; Rodger Jowers, “Study in Scarlet,” third.
• Black and White — Judith Putnam, “Time Stands Still,” first; Mary Ann Claxton, “Memories of my Grand,” second; Leslie Tosh, “Feather Droplet,” third.
• Mobile — Teresa Townley, “Electric Feel,” first; Becky Rutledge, “Moth Vibes,” second; Marsha Banasiewicz, “No Talking to the Inmates,” third.
• Natural World — Amanda Burton, “Lightning Strikes,” first; Lizzie Amick, “Cherry Blossoms at the Amp,” second; Joey Cascarano, “Fly Away,” third.
• People — Christy Casey, “Will You Come?,” first; Debbie McDorman, “Brass for Cash,” second; Nicole Blackburn, “Put Me in Coach,” third.
• Travel — Leslie Tosh, “Pioneer Water Mill,” first; Mary Lodge, “A Mediterranean Welcome,” second; Samantha Williams, “Through the Woods,” third.
• Wildlife — Emilie Sheppard, “Monty Python,” first; Jean Owens, “Spring Beauty,” second; Karen Geary, “Getting the Gossip,” third.
• Youth age 6-12 — Scarlett Sheppard, “Portrait of the Cat,” first; Leah Henley, “Beauty Inside and Out,” second; Liam Hughes, “Mine Craft Attach,” third.
• Youth age 13-17 — Delayna Adams, “Fallen Love,” first; David Henley, “I’m Hungry,” second; Stacey Smith, “Tennessee Iris,” third.